Extended Programs » Field Trips and In-House Educational Assemblies

Field Trips and In-House Educational Assemblies

In order to expand the NAEYC’s standards, children will have opportunities to participate in educational field trips and in-house educational assemblies throughout the year. For each field trip a flyer will be sent home by the School to the parents describing the details of each field trip, such as cost and location.  Field trips are considered to be part of the class activity; however, parents may opt their child out of such participation.  By signing the Consent Form at the time of enrollment, parents also give their child permission to go on School field trips. Parents, who do not wish their child to participate in field trips, must inform the School during enrollment or at any time after enrollment.  Parents are encouraged to accompany their children during these educational trips; however, parental participation is not mandatory.

For each field trip, the School provides transportation with commercial school buses equipped with seat belts as required by law and nutrition for parents and children. To prevent program disruption, we ask that parents, who accompany their children to field trips, refrain from purchasing additional items from merchants or vendors at the field trip location.  All School rules, regulations, policies and practices will be in effect during field trips, unless specifically stated. Parents of students who participate in School field trips or excursions are responsible for any and all associated costs.

All individuals making the field trip shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the School and its teachers, administrators, and staff for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip or excursion.  

While conducting the field trip, the teacher will have a first aid kit in his or her possession.  Before participating in any field trip, the School must have a signed Parent Permission Form, Waiver of Liability and Consent for Medical Treatment on file.