Our Approach » Policies


Guidance (discipline) and Conflict Resolution Policy

Physical or verbal abuse will not be allowed at Holy Martyrs ARS Pilavjian Preschool.  No child will be denied food, rest, or bathroom use as a consequence of inappropriate behavior. We ask that parents respect our discipline policy while in the School so that no child will be subjected to negative, punishing forms of discipline while at Holy Martyrs ARS Pilavjian Preschool.

Discipline at our School is not for punishment but for behavioral change.  The ultimate goal is for children to become self-disciplined.  With guidance and facilitation by teachers, the children are helped to solve discipline challenges, using their words and problem solving skills with each other to come up with mutually acceptable choices.  Children are helped to redirect their inappropriate behavior by encouraging them to be part of the solution.  In this way, it becomes a learning tool and gives children a sense of empowerment.  By providing a "can do" environment and positive verbal guidance, we teach young children what "to do," not just what "not to do."

Search Policy

The School reserves the right to search and inspect all School-owned property, premises and items located on School premises, including but not limited to child belongings and cubbies. Such inspections may occur at any time, with or without advance notice or consent. Students and parents should not have any expectations of privacy in such items or locations.

The School also reserves the right to search all students if the School Director or designee has a reasonable suspicion the student is violating or has violated a School rule, or regulation, including but not limited to pockets, purses and backpacks.

Nondiscrimination/Harassment Policy

School programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, including harassment, with respect to the actual or perceived ethnic group, religion, gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

The School prohibits the harassment of any student by the administration, including faculty or staff, another student or person at the School or at any School related activity. Harassment includes verbal, physical and visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment, or that interferes with daily School activities. Examples of such harassment include but are not limited to racial slurs, ethnic jokes, posting of offensive statements, posters or cartoons.

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Policy

Children need protection because they are vulnerable and often unable to speak for themselves. The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act provides the legal basis for action to protect children and to allow intervention by public agencies if a child is maltreated.

All staff members are legally mandated to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.

Attendance/Arrival/Departure Policy

  • According to state licensing, parents are responsible for signing in and signing out on the attendance sheet at the time of their child’s entrance and exit.
  • Under no circumstances will a child be released to a person, not even a staff member, who is not listed on the child Release Form in the application packet without written authorization from the parent/guardian.
  • The School must be notified in writing immediately if there is a permanent change in the child pick-up authorization form or Emergency Release Form.
  • The persons who have your authorization to pick up your child (on the Child Release Form in application packet) must be 18 years of age or older and have proper picture identification (i.e. driver’s license or equivalent) and must be identified on the appropriate School form.
  • Please notify the office as soon as possible if your child is going to be late or absent.
  • The School reserves the right not to release a child to an adult who appears to be possibly impaired.


Physical Policy

All new and returning students are required to annually submit health forms, including Immunization Records, Pre-Admission Health History - Parent’s & Physician’s Reports & Parent Permission For Tylenol Administration.  These health forms and documents must be completed and returned to the School before each school year begins.  Children age 6 and under must have a physical exam each year.  An annual dental exam is also recommended.

Based on Immunization Law of California (SB277) and the decision made by Board of Regents, the school requires all children entering preschool to be current on all immunizations. Exemptions for religious or other personal beliefs will no longer be accepted.        

Illness Policy

To minimize the spread of ailments among students, teachers and staff, please promptly notify the School Office if your child contracts a communicable disease. “Communicable diseases” include but are not limited to lice, chicken pox, flu and colds.

If a student becomes ill during the regular school day, he or she will be sent by the teacher to the School Office.  Parents will be contacted at the telephone number on file to pick up their child, if necessary. At the School’s discretion, School administration may determine that, due to illness, parents must pick up the child before the end of the school day.

The State of California Licensing Department forbids any sick child to attend the Program.  Parents are asked to exercise good judgment and keep children at home while ill and to seek medical/dental attention as appropriate.

Examples of symptoms that are signs of possible infection or disease are as follows:

  • Fever over 100 F.
  • Excessive irritability or unusual passivity.
  • Signs of a new cold: sore throat, watery eyes, etc.
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Inflammation of eye.
  • Abscess or draining sores.
  • Rash, unless the cause is determined to be non-contagious.

If you are unsure whether your child is sick, we urge you to contact a medical professional. The School reserves the right to request parents to provide written information by a physician licensed by the Medical Board of California about the status of their child’s health status and whether the child may safely return to school after the child has experienced a communicable disease.                

Our policies and procedures are as follows:

  • Sick children must be excluded from the center until they are no longer contagious, so as not to expose other children. A physician's note is requested before your child is permitted to return to school.
  • A child must be kept home until he has gone at least 24 hours fever free with no medicine. This measure is put into place in order to keep a child from returning to school while medicated and his fever returning as the medicine wears off. The child will be turned away if he is brought back to school the morning after being sent home, unless a physician’s clearance is accompanied.
  • If your child arrives to School with symptoms of possible illness or tooth ache, you will be contacted immediately.
  • If we are unable to contact you or you cannot pick up your child, we will phone the persons listed on the emergency contact list.
  • If your child contracts a contagious illness, please notify the School immediately.
  • Please do not send any medication to School with your child. The staff is not authorized to give medication to the children. Exceptions will be made for children who have life threatening conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, and epilepsy. (In such cases a medical consent form from the parent and physician will be required).  When medications are to be administered for prolonged periods of time, it is the parent’s responsibility to maintain an adequate supply of medication, and to inform the School of changes in dosage, frequency of administration, or discontinuance of medication.  Any changes in dosage or frequency of administration must be accompanied by a medical doctor’s note setting forth the changes.  The School assumes no liability for injury or death to a student in the event that parent(s) elect to have a School official administer medication to the student.  Nothing in this policy shall prevent the School from declining to administer medication to a student.
  • All children will be inspected for lice as needed.  This is very common practice and parents will be informed and advised immediately if treatment is needed.
  • Children’s nails need to be clipped regularly and hair to be clean and well groomed.  Tattoo and nail polish are not allowed in the Center.
Sippy Cup and Pacifier Policy and Transition

All children should use regular paper cups for fluids. Young children may use Sippy cups provided by Parents. Sippy cups are sent home on a daily basis to be washed and sanitized.

The use of pacifiers is acceptable and must be kept in a small clean zip top nylon bag and stored in child’s cubby. Pacifiers cannot be shared with other children. They are sent home daily to be washed and sanitized.

Transition: Families and teachers decide together when a child is developmentally ready to use a cup and wean off of pacifiers. They work simultaneously to achieve this goal.

Termination of Services Policy

The School reserves the right to admit and/or dis-enroll any student at its sole discretion.  Additionally, Program Services may be terminated to a family and/or child by the School’s administration in any of the following circumstances:

  • Parent/Guardian fails to abide by the provisions of this Handbook, the School’s agreement and/or contract.
  • Parent/Guardian disrupts the smooth and efficient operation of the Program and/or compromises the health and safety of children or staff.
  • The Center is unable to meet the physical, social/emotional and developmental needs of the child.
  • The registered child compromises the health and safety of children, staff or himself.
  • Other reasons determined by School administration at their sole discretion.