Our Approach » Communication and Assessment

Communication and Assessment


Open communication between parents and staff is the key to operating a harmonious school.  Within 6 weeks of enrollment, the Administration and staff make every attempt to communicate with new families regarding the child’s progress. On a yearly basis, families are requested to respond to a family questionnaire/survey for program improvements. The results are discussed in a formal parent and staff meeting; goals are set and used for ongoing program planning and operations.

To address any School related issues or concerns parents are encouraged to:

  • Direct their questions or concerns to the teacher personally on a daily or as needed basis, by calling the preschool office via phone or e-mailing at [email protected] .
  • Consult with the Director.
  • Consult with the School Board.

Note: Communication via social media or on teacher’s personal devices will not be replied.


Memos, Handouts and Monthly Calendar

  • It is our mission to keep parents informed of the School’s ongoing programs. Therefore, parents will receive memos, bulletins in English and Armenian via email, robocall/text or will be placed in Parent mail boxes. It is extremely important that all parents read all letters and bulletins sent by the School.  Copies of notices, memos and forms are available in the office.
  • Parent mailboxes located in your child’s classroom are for school use only. In order to communicate with other parents, the school provides a Preschool Parent Directory.  You may complete the section on the registration form to authorize your information to be printed in the Preschool Parent Directory.

Assessment Plan

To support children’s learning and to identify their needs and interests, Pilavjian Preschool uses the Creative Curriculum/Teaching Strategies Child Assessment portfolio. The assessment method:

  • Aligns with the curriculum goals and philosophy.
  • Provides an accurate picture of all children’s abilities and the program.
  • Provides valid and meaningful results for all learners.
  • Is useful in daily curriculum planning.
  • Is sensitive to child’s culture, language and is meaningful to each child’s setting.
  • Obtains information in all areas of development - cognitive, language arts, social-emotional and physical development.

After child’s enrollment, the teacher will attempt to interact with children using the child’s own language. Through individual interaction or during small group/large group settings, teachers will observe each child using the following tools.

    • Daily anecdotal records
    • Photographs
    • Developmental learning assessment records
    • Child observation records
    • Obtain information from parents
  • Within three months of child’s enrollment, the formal findings will be shared with parents during a parent-teacher conference.
  • At the end of the initial conference, an Individual Educational Plan/Family Partnership plan will be devised by the teacher and parent.
  • In some cases, in order to serve children better, the program will make necessary referrals for testing or evaluation by a professional.
  • In addition, teachers, families and relevant specialists will have regular opportunities to participate in two way communication to discuss child’s progress, difficulties, and accomplishments to plan learning activities.
  • The information obtained from this process will be used in improving curriculum, adapting teaching practices and planning Program improvement.
  • The information gathered will assist teachers to identify child’s interests and needs and support individualized learning.
  • Within six months of the child’s enrollment and on an as needed basis, parents will have another opportunity for a second parent-teacher conference.
  • All individual child records will be kept confidential in secured cabinets in the classrooms or office accessible only to the child’s parents, child’s teachers and administration.
  • For additional services, the administration will provide information to a designated professional with parent authorization.


Parent Family Communication

Teachers will provide parents with following information:

  • The purpose and the use of assessment.
  • The condition that the child will be assessed.
  • How the results are interpreted and will be used to provide future learning opportunities for children.
  • Request a list of individuals who can have access to the child’s file and to the assessment results.
  • Each child’s file and portfolio are kept in a locked cabinet and are only accessible to the child’s teacher and the administration.


Family Support Services

  • The school will provide information for families about programs and services of other organizations through parent meetings, resource book available in the office, teachers and administration.
  • The program will provide parents with information about consultants who can assist children with special needs, behavioral challenges or disabilities.
  • The program provides families with various parent workshops organized by the school or local agencies on child development, nutrition or health.